I have a few sheets of 3mm foamcore board that I bought mail order but it got damaged in the post so is not much use so I decided to try and use this as a base for the hedgrows.
Next I covered the cut edges with crushed cat litter glued on with pva.
After this had dried I stuck small offcuts of foamcore (approx 20mm high) .........
......onto which is stuck chopped up kitchen sponges.I use a hot glue gun for this as the glue sticks almost instantly. My wife threw out the old liquidiser so I use this for cutting the sponges up.
The final stage for me is to glue fine sawdust on to the sponge but it isn't really needed. My sawdust comes from cutting the chipboard that Im using to make my games boards and I sieve it into different grades. This photo shows only a bit painted so still needs to be finished. When I have finished a few pieces I will put some more pics here. The tree is made from twisted wire covered in hot glue and pan scourer covered in sawdust.
The finished item
Showing size compared to tank and figure. Now to get on and make more..
Small Normandy Barn
Here is something Ive been working on this weekend. I was hoping to finish it but time has caught up with me again so it will have to be next weekend now. I will make a small orchard later and put this in it.
Simple and effective! I've seen some fotos of bocage, and overgrown are some of the narrow roads, they look like tunnels. It must have been a nightmare to fight in!