Sunday, 26 June 2016

Zvezda Ural truck

I made one of the Zvezda Urals up over the last week. Its a lovely little model which went together very well with no glue, its pushfit assembly, however I will glue this one together to make sure it stays that way. The detail is the best I've seen on one of their kits so I'm hoping they do more post ww2 stuff like Bmp 1s, M113s etc
Here's a few pictures, I'll start with the box artwork.
The kit consists of 2 sprues

A few pics of the assembled truck

The canopy can be fitted or removed as it isn't really necessary to glue it in place.
Hopefully this week I'll get a second one made then put them in the queue for painting eventually. I'll gradually work my way through the boxes of stuff waiting for the paintbrush.

Saturday, 18 June 2016


Not done alot this week but did manage to get the first helicopter painted. Just need to make another 2 or 3 (a couple of transports and a support version).  I ended up with a few of these as I had to buy them to get the other aircraft I wanted, the An-24s, Yak 40s and L410s.
 It still needs a bit of finishing but I'm quite pleased with the way its turned out.
I have also received a couple of Zvezda Ural trucks which look very good. I will get one made up during the coming week.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

more on airport control tower

Ive done a little more work on the control tower, changed the upstairs windows, added a handrail and painted the roof. I will finish it by painting the walls an off white.

During the week at work I had time to draw the rest of the airport building walls so printed those off yesterday and added them last night. Just need to make the roof using a card former covered with slaters corrugated.

I'm working on a couple of plastic aircraft kits, an AN-24 and a L410 Turbolet. These are 1/100 scale and will hopefully look nice sitting in the airport.

Lastly Ive done a little more to the bar building. hopefully I will get these finished this coming week.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

a couple more pics

Just a couple of photos of some Peter Pig items and a small check point I'm halfway through making. Ignore the paint as it won't stay this colour.

A Merc for the boss
Needs more sandbags then painting properly.

mud hut and a bit more card buildings

I only have 1 day off this weekend so not much time to do any modelling but I've had a go at making a mud hut from a bit of polypipe covered in clay and started a couple more buildings for the airport board

I shall make a couple more huts later then make a mold of the best one and cast them in resin hopefully along with some oil drums and shipping containers. All I need is the time.