Sunday, 29 May 2016

Card buildings

After a long break from modelling Ive finally started on some more bits for an African based game. I need an airport as Ive recently acquired several 1/100 aircraft from a DC3 to an An-12.
Ive started making some card buildings as I want to do this cheaply.

Control Tower
Customs building
Bar to put outside the airport.

Ive also managed to obtain a few Mi-4 helicopter kits which will look ok for early 80s Africa, I'll keep a couple and maybe put the rest on ebay at a later date
Lastly Ive started basing and painting some figures, French Legion from Peter Pig
Hopefully over the next few weeks I will get round to making some french vehicles to go with these such as Berliet truck, Peugeot P4 and an ACMAT 4x4