Sunday, 27 May 2012

Lazy weekend

Ive not done much this weekend as its been hot and to be honest I couldn't be bothered to do anything so just to show a bit willing heres a couple of pics of a Plastic Soldier Co. sturmgeschutz III. I have so much unpainted stuff sitting in boxes now so I really need to get on and do it.

Does drilling the end of the barrel look any better?

Well this is it for this week, I need to make an effort next weekend to get something done.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Got a little bit of modelling done this weekend (see my wargames modelling page) but I also had a bit of a disaster. I have been painting my hedge sections with acrylic using an airbrush which soon blocked up. I stripped the brush and cleaned it no problem but when reassembling it a part of the valve took off across the room and I haven't been able to find it since. Ive just had to order a new one, but only a basic cheap one but which will probably be better for this type of work. Anyway its back to work early tomorrow starting with a trip to normandy and after that could be anywhere. Hopefully I will be back next weekend to do a bit more..

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Normandy Barn

While driving in Normandy last week I took this photo of a barn next to the motorway. Its not the best quality photo but it was a case of point the camera through the window, click and see what came out.